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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

SDH Presents the Reverse Shamgod: Snake Cross Breakdown Move Killer Crossover Tutorial

This killer crossover breakdown move is a total "ankle breaker" if you've been pulling of the Shamgod throughout the game like NBA player Kyrie Irving does. The reverse Shamgod a.k.a. Snake Cross is a perfect move to pull out when you want to keep defenders guessing, and it's faster than doing a shamgod followed by a crossover. By quickly changing your hand position mid-dribble you can fake defenders out of their shoes and leave them wondering what just happened. The key is to set this "basketball move" up like a regular shamgod crossover, but instead of actually going into the opposite direction, you'll just quickly step in that direction, put your hand over the ball back to the outside and then go back into the original direction you were moving. 

If you've pulled of the shamgod a few times earlier in a game you will totally catch your defender off guard with the Snake Cross and break ankles with this killer crossover breakdown move.  Catch more great helpful videos to help perfect your game and watch them being done in practice right here on +Slap Dog HoopsAlso, please be kind enough to share this post by simply clicking the Facebook, Twitter, G+, and Pinterest buttons below.  It would be greatly appreciated; Thanks!

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